How it started. . .
Meeting our caboose. . .
Hands down the best trade I've ever made. We drove about an hour and a half away into the hills of Tennessee and when we all saw the caboose for the first time. . . it was AWESOME. I'm not a negotiator at ALL. . . so immediately I knew I was compromised. The gentleman we traded with must have had compassion on us and all our kids because he gave us a stellar deal and even helped with every step of the move to Alabama.
Adventures and challenges. . .
The picture above was a ramp we quickly put together to allow the power lines to slide over the top of the cupola on the caboose. Hopefully it worked and half of Fayetteville didn't lose power. . .
Adventures are Worth It
Adventures can be challenging but are amazingly great tools for growing together as a family. There is nothing like figuring out how to solve problems together, sledging iron spikes into a track (that's called hard work), and when it's all done relishing in the end results (while brainstorming new adventures).

Kevin Sheton
August 23, 2022
There was a home like this in Cordele Ga.